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Mommy Makeover in Chelmsford, MA

Restore Your Self-Esteem

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You love your kids to the moon and back. But you may not love your post-childbirth body as much as you’d like to. And that in turn can lead to frustration, loss of self-confidence, and even some forms of depression.

If you’ve noticed changes in your body post-pregnancy, you may be uncomfortable with your new shape and appearance. A mommy makeover in Chelmsford at PURE Cosmetic Center can help restore your self-esteem by addressing areas of your body that may no longer feel familiar, including your tummy, breasts, buttocks, and even genitalia.

Board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS), Dr. Dave Lee is a Stanford-educated plastic surgeon in Chelmsford who specializes in several cosmetic procedures. Using cutting-edge surgical techniques and finesse gained from years of training as a plastic surgeon, Dr. Lee and his team at PURE Cosmetic Center can help you feel like yourself again.

Your privacy and confidentiality are of the utmost importance to us at PURE Cosmetic Center.

Many of our high-profile patients prefer to be private with their cosmetic procedures and prefer that their photographs not be placed online. At your consultation, you will be shown photographs of patients who have given us permission to display their before and after pictures.

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What Is a Mommy Makeover?

A Mommy Makeover is a blanket term for a number of different plastic surgery procedures that can help restore your body after giving birth (or even physical changes resulting from massive weight loss).

The procedures included in your Mommy Makeover are ultimately determined how much restoration you would like and tailored for your specific needs, anatomy, and the time you have available for the recovery period. Since the breasts and abdomen are almost always changed by pregnancy and childbirth, Mommy Makeover strategic plans usually include procedures that address those areas.

Chelmsford mommy makeover patient model

What are the benefits of Mommy Makeover?

  • Comprehensive array of aesthetic procedures for all post-childbirth concerns
  • Customizable — “Mix and match” the procedures that are right for you.
  • Multiple procedures can be performed in a single surgical session, reducing costs.

Treatments can address loose skin, stretch marks, a protruding abdomen, fat bulges, and sagging breasts through a comprehensive, coordinated, and personalized plan. Improving your self-image and feeling youthful and attractive can only lift your relationships with family members, loved ones, and co-workers

What procedures can be included in a Mommy Makeover?

The procedures are generally done at the same time, and include the following:

Liposuction: Fat is sucked out in your desired locations.

Tummy tuck: Extra fat and skin are removed, creating a better abdominal contour.

Breast augmentation: Breast implants or fat grafts are used to make your breasts larger.

Breast lift: The breasts are lifted by the removal of excess skin to tighten surrounding tissue. The nipples are placed into a more youthful position.

Vaginal rejuvenation: This procedure tightens the inner and outer muscles as well as the structures of the vagina to restore muscle tone and control.

Enlarged nipples and areolas can be addressed, as can a “boxy” waistline. Ask your doctor about additional procedures, including thigh lift, arm lift, and Brazilian butt lift. You can also choose to add nonsurgical facial injectables and dermal fillers to your Mommy Makeover “menu.”

Are you a candidate for Mommy Makeover?

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You must be at least 18 years of age and in good general health.

Additionally, you should be at least six months post-childbirth. Smokers are generally disqualified since smoking can adversely impact surgical procedures and postoperative recovery.

When is the right time to get a Mommy Makeover?

If you’ve been through childbirth and breastfeeding or had another lifestyle change that’s significantly affected your body, you may want to combine a series of cosmetic procedures such as a tummy tuck and breast lift in order to boost your self-confidence and pride in your appearance.

Most women elect to wait until they are finished with childbearing and breastfeeding before seeking a Mommy Makeover. Specifically, regarding breast augmentation or breast lift, we recommend patients delay their Mommy Makeover for at least four months after they have stopped breastfeeding and producing milk

Chelmsford mommy makeover model

Selecting The Right Surgeon For Your Mommy Makeover

Choosing the right surgeon for you is the most important single decision you will make in optimizing the results and safety of your combination of procedures. Great surgeons produce great results. Insist on a board-certified plastic surgeon who is also a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. We know where you can find just such a surgeon!

Why Should I Choose Dr. Lee for My Mommy Makeover?

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Dave Lee, MD, specializes in breast reconstruction, breast surgery, facelifts, nasal airway reconstruction, rhinoplasty, and skin cancer reconstruction. He is a Stanford-educated surgeon who graduated at the top of his medical class at the University of Rochester and is a member of both the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS).

Dr. Lee makes it a point to always be available for his patients because he firmly believes that patients come first. This has created the highest level of service, allowing him to ease patient fears, produce satisfying results, and build lifelong relationships. If you’re interested in addressing your post-childbirth cosmetic concerns with a Mommy Makeover Chelmsford plastic surgeon Dr. Lee is here to help. Call or message us today to set up your consultation with Dr. Lee.


Your surgeon will meticulously review your medical history, including all previous surgeries. Disclose all medications and supplements you are taking since some may promote surgical bleeding. During your consultation with your surgeon, clearly convey your Mommy Makeover goals, but make sure your expectations are realistic.

You and your surgeon will select the procedures to be included in your Mommy Makeover surgical “package.” That will enable your surgeon to determine whether your Mommy Makeover can be performed in a single session or if multiple sessions will be required. Before ending the consultation, you and your doctor should settle on:

  • The desired amount of restoration
  • Incision locations
  • Type of implants used, if any

If you need to lose some weight, the preoperative period is a great time to do that! It will improve your health and happiness and help you “max out” the benefits of your Mommy Makeover. Many of our high-profile patients prefer to be private with their cosmetic procedures and prefer that their photographs not be placed online. At your consultation, you will be shown photographs of patients who have given us permission to display their before and after pictures.

Make sure you have arranged for someone to drive you home and help you around the house for a while following your Mommy Makeover. Fill any needed postoperative medications prior to your Mommy Makeover. If possible, try to attend to any cleaning or other household chores before your surgery. It may also be helpful to prepare some meals needed in the first few days after you get home.

Your Mommy Makeover Procedure

Mommy makeover is typically performed as an outpatient procedure, although your doctor may recommend an overnight hospital stay.

Because your Chelmsford Mommy Makeover is customized for your specific desired results, there’s no one way the procedures proceed. That said, many patients choose to have breast and tummy work done first before adding other elements. Since there is a combination of procedures being performed, your surgery could be 4 or 5 hours in length. As mentioned, some women and their doctors opt for an overnight hospital stay so that nursing care is available.

Depending on the plan you created with Dr. Lee and the total length of the combined procedures, you will first be placed under general anesthesia. Dr. Lee will then perform each of the surgeries to restore shape and function to your post-childbirth body. Once the procedures are complete, Dr. Lee will close the incisions with stitches. You’ll need to return for a follow-up to make sure you’re healing correctly and ensure your overall satisfaction.


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Following your surgery, you will spend several hours in a recovery area where your vital signs will be monitored as your body clears your anesthesia.

Initial recovery will take at least two weeks, although this can be longer depending on the number of procedures you have. You will likely be swollen and bruised, and while the bruising will fade in 2-3 weeks, swelling can take three to four months to completely go away. Most women return to work or school somewhere between two and six weeks. Don’t drive until you have ceased using any prescribed pain medication, and avoid heavy lifting for at least six weeks. The recovery period for each patient also is impacted by your body’s own unique rate of healing.

Minimize Scarring

Elite-level plastic surgeons such as Dr. Dave Lee are masters at minimizing the size and number of incisions and placing them discreetly in places that can be hidden.

Dr. Lee will show you exactly where your incisions will be placed. Post-surgery, taking care of your incisions, and practicing proper skin care will help your Mommy Makeover scars flatten and fade over time.

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You will notice a difference immediately following your Mommy Makeover, but it may take up to a year to realize your full benefits. You will like what you see!

Schedule a Mommy Makeover consultation
at PURE Cosmetic Center.

You Love Being a Mother. But Now It’s Time To Do Something For YOU!

Motherhood is beautiful and wonderfully rewarding. But it comes with a physical toll. While women can diet and exercise in an attempt to restore their pre-childbirth figures, those efforts are often insufficient to address loose skin and muscles, as well as breast, abdominal, and other body changes. Many women are choosing to elevate their health, happiness, attractiveness, and self-confidence through Mommy Makeover.

Great doctors produce great results. Board-certified Chlemsford plastic surgeon Dr. Dave Lee combines elite-level training, experience, and skill with the eyes of an artist and the hands of a concert pianist (which he is). Get beautifully natural results that are worthy of a standing ovation. We warmly invite you to call 978-386-9847 to schedule a consultation today.

Mommy Makeover FAQs

After your surgery is complete, you’ll be taken to a recovery room and monitored by our nurses. After you wake up from anesthesia, you are likely to feel some soreness and mild discomfort, though patients generally report low levels of pain. If you do need pain medication, Dr. Lee can prescribe one for you to take.

All surgeries come with risks such as infection, bleeding, poor wound healing, nerve damage, complications from anesthesia, and allergic reaction to medications or surgical materials.

Because many times a Mommy Makeover will include a tummy tuck, it’s important to avoid heavy lifting - including children over ten pounds. You should also avoid strenuous exercise as well. Since you may be tender in the first few days after surgery, make sure you have help around the house as well, especially if you have young children.

Mommy makeover will not keep you from getting pregnant. But a subsequent pregnancy would likely reduce or reverse some of the benefits of your Mommy Makeover to one degree or another. That’s why we recommend that Mommy Makeover be delayed until you are through having children.

Incidence of sensation loss is quite low but has been reported. Discuss with your surgeon during your consultation.

Do an honest self-assessment. If you feel you need to drop some pounds, your scheduled Mommy Makeover can be a great source of motivation. Get in shape. You’ll feel better, you’ll be happier, and it will give you the best chance of getting great results from your Mommy Makeover.

Probably not a lot. And not the point. If your Mommy Makeover includes liposuction or tummy tuck, you’ll drop a few pounds. But these are not “weight loss” procedures. Instead, the goal is contouring, tightening, firming, restoring, and lifting.

Because a Mommy Makeover can be made up of a variety of procedures, the cost of a Mommy Makeover in Chelmsford will vary from patient to patient. As most of these are cosmetic in nature, many insurance providers do not cover the procedures. However, there are financing and payment options available.

Costs will be dependent on:

  • The procedures you choose
  • The complexity of your combination of procedures
  • Whether you received breast implants
  • Surgical techniques used in each of your procedures

Combining procedures into one surgical session helps hold down overall costs.

Your beauty is a symphony. Don’t trust it to anyone less than a true performer and a master at his craft. Boston and Chelmsford plastic surgeon, Dr. Dave Lee brings the virtuosity of a concert pianist and the artistry of a renowned plastic surgeon to each procedure. Schedule a consultation today to discover why patients across New England are singing the praises of Dr. Lee and his staff at PURE Cosmetic Center.

Boston: 400 Commonwealth Ave, 2nd Floor, Boston, MA 02215

Chelmsford: 15 Village Square, Chelmsford, MA 01824

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Boston: (617) 958-8014 Chelmsford: (978) 800-1680